Batch Picture Resizer Batch Picture Resizer
Resize and convert pictures in full auto mode!

Batch Image Resizer is easy and user-friendly tool helps you to resize multiple photos, convert, flip, mirror or rotate them in a batch mode.

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Batch Picture Resizer Screenshot.

Batch Image Resizer for Windows 11

You can use the Batch Picture Resizer to resize a group of images. If you have Windows 11, you can upload your images and you can resize them in a few clicks.

How to Resize Multiple Photos in Windows 11, 10, 7

This software allows you to resize multiple photos in Windows 11 at the same time. It is super easy and it is one of the best windows image resizer software.

High-Quality Batch Photo Resizer

The Batch Picture Resizer will allow you to enlarge or reduce your photos while keeping the quality. It will not reduce the pixelation and other artifacts. It has ten or more image resizing algorithms including Bicubic, Lanzcos, Bessel, Guassan, and BSpline. This software provides you with the best way to resize photos.

How Batch Image Resizer Can You Resize Multiple Pictures at Once?

You can use the batch feature to batch resize images or to bulk crop photos. Take a look at the following:

Prepare Photos for Your Website or Online Store:

If you have an online store such as Shopify or eBay, you can resize the photos so that they look great for your buyers. Shopify and eBay have size limits for your pictures so you can crop and reduce the files with this windows image resizer software. The eBay photo dimensions are limited to a minimum of 500 x 500 pixels to 9000 x 9000 pixels. It cannot be larger than 12 MB.

Resize photos for ebay.

Batch Crop Images:

If you want to know how to crop an image to an exact size, you can follow these directions:
  • Click Add Files and add the images that you want to crop.
  • Choose the new width and height. Enable the Smart crop option.
  • Select a destination folder.
  • Click Start to batch crop your photos.
  • You can also use this app to crop photos for canvas resizing by clicking on Canvas button.
Compress images in a batch mode.

Make a Picture Smaller (Reduce MB):

You can also make an image file size smaller with this image size converter. Reduce the size of your photo collection up to 500%.

  • When you want to know how to reduce picture size, add the files into the program.
  • Choose the Resize feature. Keep the original aspect ratio.
  • Select the Replace original files in the destination box
  • Resize multiple pictures at the same time replacing original photos.
Change image resolution and reduce image size in mb.

Making a JPEG Smaller:

You can use this app for making a JPEG smaller. Resize JPEG, change the JPEG compression ratio to compress photos in Windows 11 with this software.

Make jpeg smaller.

How to Change Photo Resolution:

You can also batch resize photos in Windows 11 by changing the photo resolution and resize picture in cm and inches.

  • Click Add Files to add your photos.
  • Choose the new resolution in pixels (Width and Height).
  • Choose a destination folder.
  • Click on Start.
Change photo resolution.
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Convert Formats

This program supports different formats including JPEG, BMP, PSD, TIFF, GIF, PNG, PCX, JPEG 2000, TGA, PSD, WEBP, DNG. You can convert BMP to JPEG, PNG to GIF, PNG to JPG, PNG to BMP, TGA to PNG, TIF to JPEG, TIFF to PNG, PSD to JPEG, resize RAW images, convert CR2 to JPEG, NEF to JPEG, resize and crop animated GIFs and multipage TIFFs. Take a look at the following:

Convert to JPEG and resize RAW images:

This batch image resizer software supports more than 30 formats of RAW files including Canon, Nikon, and more. You can convert RAW files to JPEG easily with the click of a button. You may open the Options and under JPEG Options, you choose Baseline (Default).

Convert and resize raw images.

Resize Animated GIF Images:

In addition, the software allows you to resize animated GIF images as well as multipage TIFFs. You follow the same process as you do to convert any image size. You add the files and choose Options on the bottom right. A new box will open and you can choose GIF Compression or TIFF Compression.

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resize animated gif

Other Batch Processing Functions

Batch Rename Photos

You can also rename a batch of photos. You can add a suffix, a prefix, a number, or a date. Use the Rename Files Tool to add a prefix or suffix and rename the files.

Automatically Rotate Pictures

You can choose the Rotate button to automatically rotate photos. You simply Add Files to choose the photos that you want to rotate. Then you click on Rotate. The photos will be rotated without losing any quality through what is called 'Lossless Rotation.' It uses EXIF orientation metadata to detect original camera position.

Automatically Fix Photo Colors and Contrast

When you upload your photos, you can automatically fix photo colors and contrast. You can also convert to grayscale. You simply click Add Files to add your photos. You will use the Effects button, where you can perform these functions.

Add Visible Watermarks

If you want to protect your work, you can add watermarks to your photos. You can find Text Watermark and Logo Image tabs where you can create your watermark. Take a look at the following:

Text Watermark:

  • Fill in the Watermark Text Field.
  • Use Position, X-Offset, and Y-Offset controls to choose the watermark position.
  • Use the Font button to choose the font.
  • The Background Color allows you to set your background color.
  • You have Alignment buttons to set the alignment.
  • You can choose the transparency of the watermark with the Transparency button.
  • If you want to remove the watermark, you can use the Clear Watermark button.
Add text watermark to photos.

Image Watermarks:

  • Use the Position, X-Offset, and Y-Offset controls to select the position of the watermark.
  • Choose the Watermark Image button to select the logo image.
  • You can change the transparency with the Transparency control.
  • You can remove the watermark with the Clear Logo Image button.
  • You can add a watermark to one image or to a batch of images.
Add logo watermark.

How to Resize an Image with Patch Picture Resizer: Step-By-Step Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to bulk resize images with Windows 11.

Add Images into the Program:

Download image resizer and install it. Use the Add File, Add Folder, or drag and drop your photos to the program.

Add images to resize.

Select the Size of the Output Photos

You can select a standard photo size or you can choose the exact size in pixels or in percentage of original. For example you can use this feature to convert images to 4K resolution or to turn a picture into 4K.

Select photo size.

Set Resizing Options:

With this feature, you can change the aspect ratio. You have several options including the following:

  • Maintain original aspect ratio.
  • Use a predefined height, where the new photo will be resized with a defined height. For example you can make a photo HD, convert one that is exactly 1000 x 1000 pixels, and more.
  • You can detect the width and height to match the long sides.
  • You can use Smart Cropping, where the result will maintain the height and width but still crop the edges.
  • Do not resize the image if the original size is smaller than the new image.

Image resizing options.

Set the Output Format to Convert Photos:

  • You can keep the same format as the input.
  • You can change it to another format.
  • You can change the dpi and increase the dpi of the image and JPEG quality.

Convert photo format.

Set the Destination Folder:

You can choose a new destination folder or you can select Overwrite Original Files to replace the original files.

Set output folder.

Click Start

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Features of Batch Picture Resizer

Keeps the folder structure of the resized photos
Offers an aspect ratio converter
Batch mode uses all available processor cores
Adds text, logo types, and image watermarks
Converts image formats
Batch Image Resizer Offers GUI and command line modes
Automatically rotates JPEGs based on EXIF information
offers lossless image rotation, flipping, and mirroring
Preserves EXIF tags
Changes canvas size
Supports RAW images including CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, RAW, DNG, MNG, and more
Features batch renaming
Offers prompt-free overwrite or saving into new files
Offers automatic level adjustment and color optimization
Grayscale conversion
You can change dpi of image and compression rate
Batch Picture Resizer

Batch Picture Resizer

File Size

10.6 Mb



Last updated on


Buy now $ 29.99

šŸ–„ļø System Requirements

  • Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 (32/64 bit)
  • Intel i3, AMD Ryzen 5 or above
  • 4 GB of RAM or above
  • NVIDIAĀ® GeForceĀ® series 8 and 8M, IntelĀ® HD Graphics 2000, Quadro FX 4800, Quadro FX 5600, AMD Radeonā„¢ R600, Mobility Radeonā„¢ HD 4330, Mobility FireProā„¢ series, Radeonā„¢ R5 M230 or higher graphics card with up-to-date drivers
  • 1280 Ɨ 768 screen resolution, 32-bit color
  • 1 GB of free hard disk space or above

šŸ™‹ Frequently Asked Questions

When you resize your pictures, you will not lose quality. The software has algorithms built in to make sure that your quality is good. You can choose to maintain the aspect ratio in the new size. You can also convert it to another format such as JPEG to improve the quality. There are many options that allow you to resize your photo without losing quality.

You can change the resolution of your picture by clicking Add File. Then you can choose the height and width in pixels to change the resolution. If you choose to maintain the original aspect ratio, it can use the height and width keeping proportions.

You can upload your JPEG with the Add File button. Then, under Options, you can choose to resize the JPEG and choose Optimize. You can also change the JPEG compression rate. You can change the height and width while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

If you donā€™t have Photoshop, you can still use Batch Picture Resizer to increase the resolution of your images. You can click on Add Files to upload your photos. Then choose the new size. This software has the algorithms needed to upscale your images without any loss of quality.

If you want to change the DPI of an image to 300 dpi, you can start by uploading your image using the Add Files button. Then, under the Resize panel, you can open the Options and choose the DPI box. Just change it to 300.

You can make an image file smaller by using the Resize feature. You can add your photo with the Add File button. Then, choose the resize option to make your photo the size you want it to be. This software makes it simple and it has algorithms so that no quality is lost.

When you resize your pictures, you can batch crop them and resize them so that they are optimal for email. You can reduce the size of the file so that it is easy to send. This software can change your images to the optimal size for email, social media, online stores, and more. You will upload your photo using Add File and then choose the Resize feature.

Yes. iPhone HEIC format is fully supported. See HEIC to JPG converter download product for more info.

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  • Windows 7
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  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
Author: SoftOrbits (English)
Avg. rating: 4.5 from 697 votes