Remove Logo Now Remove Logo Now

Video Watermark Remover Software

Best software to remove watermark from video easily

Remove watermarks and clean annoying logotypes, text overlays and non-removable subtitles from your videos in full auto mode with Video Watermark Remover software!

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Why Should You Remove Watermark From Video?

There are a number of reasons why you might want to do that. Here are some that you might not have thought about:

Properly Trying Out New Software

Maybe you’re currently demoing some video-making software but it’s inserting the company logo as a watermark on every single frame. It’s not only distracting but it doesn’t even allow you to assess the software properly.

Getting Rid of Your Old Watermark

Or maybe you have an old video and you’ve put an old watermark of your own on there. If you want to update it with your new watermark logo, you need to remove the old watermark first.

Cleaning up an Old Video with Overlays

Lots of old video recordings actually have a date and time stamp inserted automatically on some or all frames. On older video recorders, this was a much sought-after function but the problem is that the information can be distracting and can even obscure parts of the video.

Removing a Watermark Made with Demo Software

You might have purchased the software that you used to create a video but in the meantime you might have lost the saved files. This means that the video you made has their annoying company logo on every single frame even though you now own the full version of the video-making software.

Remove Channel Logo

One way to defeat the channel logo is to use Softorbits Remove Logo Now!. It will automatically find the channel logos and watermarks and then analyze other frames to fill in the erased areas of the frames.

Using the Video for Other Purposes

Sometimes, you don’t like the watermark being there or it’s going to interfere with what you intend to do with the video itself. Video Logo Remover may help you.

Remove a Logo from Video

Removing annoying static overlays is the easiest job for SoftOrbits Remove Logo Now!. It automatically detects objects that remain static in video streams, engaging its artificial intelligence to carefully remove the watermark from the stream and fill underlying areas with visual data interpolated from the current and adjacent frames. In most cases, reasonably sized static watermarks can be removed with no visible residue.

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Video watermark remover.

Removing Transparent Overlays from Video Streams

Many channels overlay transparent watermarks over broadcasted video streams. Removing watermark is nearly as easy as handling non-transparent static overlays. Similar to static logos, Remove Logo Now! can patch underlying areas so that no visible residue appears after removing the watermark.

Remove Date and Time Watermarks

Embedded date and time overlays were a feature in the past, becoming a major annoyance today. Often accompanied with running frame count, blinking recording indicator and other information, these objects are unwanted today and can be deleted.
Remove Logo Now! can automatically detect and remove date and time overlays. Since these are running numbers as opposed to being a single static overlay, you’ll have to specify the location of these overlays by selecting the frame with a mouse. Once this is done, it will take care of the rest video.


Remove record watermark from video.


Removed record watermark.

Any Format, Any Container

SoftOrbits tool can process videos in AVI, MOV, M1V, MP2, SVCD, FLV, MP4, M2V, DVD, SWF, 3GP, MKV, WMV, and RM10. Should you want your video in a different format, the tool can automatically save the cleaned-up video stream using a different encoding, bitrate or container.

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Author: SoftOrbits (English)
Avg. rating: 4.5 from 710 votes