Eugene Ustinenkov

Eugene S. Ustinenkov

CEO at SoftOrbits, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Year of the birth: 1983
Lives at Koh Phangan, Thailand.

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Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), Russia.
2006 – Magister degree of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), Russia.

Working expiriense

  • 14+ years as CTO and CEO of software development company
  • 10+ years as software developer

Technical skills

Operation Systems

Mac OS (5 yers), Linux / Ubuntu (14 years), MS DOS (3 years), Windows (19 years).

Programming Languages

C/C++ (19 years), Java (15 year), C#(15 year), Pascal (15 year), Delphi (15 years), Assembler(2 year), Basic (1 year), VBA (2 month), Power Builder (0.5 year), Prolog (0.5 year), Perl (0.5 year), GPSS (0.5 year), VHDL(0.5 year), SQL (2 year), node.js, Angular, PHP.


MS Access (1 year), Oracle (3 months), MS SQLServer(15 year),MySQL(15 year), Interbase/Firebird (15 year), Paradox (1 month), Sybase(0.5 year), PostgreSQL (1 year), HSQL(1 year)

Other Tools and Technologies

Windows API, .Net Framework, MFC, STL, ODBC, ADO/ADO.NET, DAO, ActiveX, COM, SOAP (Axis 1-2, XFire), DirectX (DirectShow), Windows Sockets, Network Protocols (TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP), VLC, JSP, JavaScript, Java Servlets, Java Script, Applets, Ant, Jakarta Struts, Spring, Swing, JDBC, Hibernate, Tomcat, Slide, Jetty, JBoss, Install4j, Log4j, Jes, Junit, YourKit Java Profiler, Lucene, AjaxTags, Clover, WAPT, JSTL, LDAP, Jasper Reports, BIRT reports, MS BizTalk Server, 1C-Buhgalteriya (0.5 year), Lotus Notes/Domino(0.5 year), MS IIS, Apache, HTML, SSI, XML/DOM/SAX, WebDav, RSS, Regular Expressions, SoftIce Debugger, CASE TechnologiesBP-Win/ER-Win, ASProtect, Digital Video technologies (transformation, processing, encoding and streaming), Neuron Nets, Fuzzy Logic. Skills and technologies of group development: CVS, SVN, GIT, TrackStudio, Jira, Gulp, Cordova.


Russian(native), good skills in spoken and written English. I’ve finished English courses (upper-intermediate level) in the MPEI Euro Centre.


Brainbench certificate
(Math Fundamentals, C++, C++ Fundamentals, C#)
Certified Systemic Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Psychology).

Job Summary

2018 - Preselt - AlarmFront CEO, CTO, owner
2016 - Preselt - SoftOrbits CEO, CTO, owner
November 2003 - 2016: OfficeRecovery/Recoveronix Ltd. (, Software Developer
Match – June 2005 – Belti, Software Developer.
September 2005 – 2016: TrackStudio Co Ltd (, Software Developer and Technical Writer.


- SoftOrbits - Owner, CEO, CTO, software development, marketing
- AlarmFront - Owner, CEO, CTO, software development, marketing
- Complex Multiplatform network video-streaming system. (Author, developer, testing, communication with customer, C++, C#, .Net, DirectShow, Linux).
- Complex web-based backtracking system, (Coding of some functional parts, writing documentation, support, Java, Struts, Hibernate, Swing, SOAP)
- Developing algorithms of reading and writing of complex binary file formats, analysis and syntheses of complex hierarchical data structures. (More than 7 big projects. My contract does not allow divulging any details). Author, developer, testing, support. C++, Java, MFC, Windows API.
- Scientific work in my University (developing of Fuzzy Logic systems, Fuzzy Game models, Fuzzy Clusterization algorithms, DSS systems on Fuzzy Cognitive models, Neuron Net models, Network Protocol Analyser) – C++, C#, .Net, MFC.