Way #3: Best PSD to JPG Online Convertors
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This is one of the top file converters that can convert different text, image, audio, and video formats to another.
You can convert the image format with the help of the following steps.
- Select the JPG images you want to convert.
- The next page will pop up.
- Here, you upload the image you want to convert by entering a URL, uploading the image from Google Drive or Dropbox, or just uploading the PC image.
- You can set the image quality, size, and colour.
- Click on the Start Conversion button, and the image will start to convert.
- Download the finished image.
This online tool is the second on the list. The feature that makes it the most desirable is that it can convert multiple images to a single format at a time.
- Choose any file you want from a URL link, DropBox, Google Drive, or from your computer.
- Choose the JPG option from the list of options for the Convert to option.
- Click on the Covert Button and watch the progress bar.
- Download all the images with the Download option in front of them.
This free service is third in the list and for a good reason. The other thing that you have to give is an email address. With the help of this, the converted image will be sent to your email, from where you can download it easily anywhere you want.
- Upload any format image with a size less than 100MB.
- Select the JPG output type.
- Enter your email address and click on the Convert button.
- Go to your email inbox and download the converted image.