So, what is the best tool or solution to remove the date from photo?
No one likes dates or any other watermarks in their photos. That is why tools like the date remover from photo app make life so much easier for photographers, allowing them to automatically remove time stamps from photos.
By providing different options like highlighting a broad area or removal by colour, the program makes it easy to remove any text with a few clicks. You even get an option to use the
Clone Stamp, which can be used to delete dates, replicate an object, and place it somewhere else in the image!
Other options include changing your camera settings or using apps like Photoshop and Snapseed. If nothing works, you can always google date stamp remover software and try out different online websites like Fotor.
It is up to you to choose which method suits your workflow the best!
📙 References
- Zhao W., Gao S., Lin H. A robust hole-filling algorithm for triangular mesh //The Visual Computer. – 2007. – Т. 23. – С. 987-997
- Cohen M. F. et al. Wang tiles for image and texture generation //ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). – 2003. – Т. 22. – №. 3. – С. 287-294
- Chen X. et al. Refit: A unified watermark removal framework for deep learning systems with limited data // Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. – 2021. – С. 321-335
- Nishiyama M. et al. Sensation-based photo cropping //Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Multimedia. – 2009. – С. 669-672